
The Endpoint System (EPS) provides several server and client components that manage and secure the communication in the IRIS ecosystem. Notably, the EPS provides two core components:

  • A message broker / mesh router services that transmits requests between different actors in the system and ensures mutual authorization and authentication.
  • A distributed service directory that stores cryptographically signed information about actors in the system, and is used by the message broker for authentication, service discovery and connection establishment.

In addition it provides a TLS passthrough proxy service that enables direct, end-to-end encrypted communication between client endpoints and health departments.

Getting Started

To get started please read the Getting Started Guide. After that you can check out the detailed EPS documentation. If you want to run the proxy or service directory you can check out the respective proxy documentation as well as service directory documentation.

If you encounter a problem please open an issue on Github where our community can help you.